Gute Neuigkeiten!
Es ist wieder ein neues Buch gemeinsam mit dem Autor Neil Stainthorpe entstanden, bei dem ich die Illustrationen machen durfte. Die Geschichten sind auf Englisch für Kinder und jung gebliebene Erwachsene (Bären).
Weiter unten stellt die Kleine Bärin selbst „ihr“ neues Buch vor und gibt kleine Einblicke in das Buch. Bleibt gespannt!
Das Buch ist über Buchschmiede verfügbar
Good news for all bear lovers!
There is a new book written by the autor Neil Stainthorpe and illustrations by me. The stories are written in English for kids and adult (bears) who stayed young at heart.
Little Bear will present „her“ book all on her own and show little teasers. Stay tuned!
The book is available on Buchschmiede.

Hi I‘m Little Bear and this is my new book!
Well, I say my new book, but to be honest I had some help from two friends of mine:
Neil Stainthorpe who writes down all my stories and Cornelia Kriechbaumer who draws me (even though I’m really bad at sitting still!)
This book is all about my adventurous time I had when I visited my granddad “Big Bear” in the summer holidays. Sometimes I’m a little bit forgetful. Some of my friends would say I’m a lot forgetful! That is because my mind is always so full of ideas!
Maybe you’d like to read about some of them?
In my book you can read about:
How I became a great magician!
What happened when I cooked dinner for Big Bear?
My brilliant idea for saving the viillage football match!